Silence is Consent
If you don't speak up you accept what is happening. This site was born out of the mainstream media's inability to cover the news. I am just an American cititzen trying to spread the word in the era of FCC consolidation, post 9/11 Patriot Act hysteria, hackable voting machines and war without end. I rant and post news items I perceive to be relevant to our current situation.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
- Thomas Jefferson
Social Security is not broken and therefore does not need to be fixed
So Called Social Security Crisis (SCSSC)
Comments, questions, corrections, rebuttals are always welcome.
Friday, July 25, 2003
Prior warnings. Saudi Arabia. Saddam not connected with 9/11. No Iraq-Al Qaeda link. The 9/11 report is finally here! ...Well, some of it, at least... Congressional Reports: Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.
An analysis by the Washington Post: White House, CIA Kept Key Portions of Report Classified. Here is the opening paragraph:
President Bush was warned in a more specific way than previously known about intelligence suggesting that al Qaeda terrorists were seeking to attack the United States, a report on the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks indicated yesterday. Separately, the report cited one CIA memo that concluded there was "incontrovertible evidence" that Saudi individuals provided financial assistance to al Qaeda operatives in the United States.
I have only one question: If this would have come out last December, as it should have, how would this information have effected people's opinions of the need to go to war with Iraq? All those Iraq-Al Qaeda insinuations? Gone! All those Saddam-responsible-for-9/11 insinuations? Gone!
OK, so I have two questions: Why did we need regime change in Iraq? The two reasons we were given are false, plus he was no imminent threat and has no WMD. All we have left is that he was a bad guy. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, there is a ton of oil in Iraq.
William Rivers Pitt on how death always seems to help Bush: Though The Heavens Fall.
This is a great article, but even if it wasn't I would have had to post it for the title alone: George W. Nixon.
Cheney goes on the offensive and Steve Gilliard of Daily Kos gives you Dick Cheney and his lies.
More of The Amazing Stories of Condoleezza Rice.
In case you were wondering who is on the Iraqi Governing Council, here is a list of names and short bios. Notice anyone familiar?
This ad will be appearing in three major papers this Sunday, We Deserve The Truth.