Silence is Consent
If you don't speak up you accept what is happening. This site was born out of the mainstream media's inability to cover the news. I am just an American cititzen trying to spread the word in the era of FCC consolidation, post 9/11 Patriot Act hysteria, hackable voting machines and war without end. I rant and post news items I perceive to be relevant to our current situation.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
- Thomas Jefferson
Social Security is not broken and therefore does not need to be fixed
So Called Social Security Crisis (SCSSC)
Comments, questions, corrections, rebuttals are always welcome.
Thursday, August 28, 2003
People always say how September 11th changed everything. I find that to be a convenient excuse to change everything: To change the way we go about seeking change in our country and around the world. To take away freedoms in our country. To demonize people who do not go along with the current administration. To bankrupt our economy. To hide any controversy behind the excuse of national security.
Currently, one of my biggest problems with is when a proponent of this war is questioned about whether this administration lied us into war the hawk of the moment always tries to justify it by saying, "Well don't you think Saddam was a bad guy and Iraq is better off without him?" This is said to justify lying about a bad guy to kill thousands of people (notice I said "people", not "American soldiers"). In essence, they are saying that when we deem someone to be a bad guy we do not have to tell the people of this country the truth to justify using/wasting taxpayer money and soldiers lives. Is that not an outrage? We will lie to you and if found out, we will rationalize it by saying we had to lie to you for your own good.
Another thing I hear people say all the time is that now were there so we can just leave. This is true. So what is the best and probably easiest way to get out and make sure Iraq is a stable place in the shortest amount of time, (if that is really our goal)? As I wrote earlier this week, most people believe the best thing to do is internationalize the effort. When people talk about exit strategies and the like, they usually don't speak about what is best for the Iraqi people. They usually speak about what will keep America safe--as if they are the same thing. They might be, but it is also possible that they aren't. So what is best for the Iraqi people? I'm not exactly sure, but it probably isn't the same thing that is best for Halliburton, Bechtel, WorldCom, and all the other Bush campaign contributors who are there making billions. My guess would be to internationalize this as much as possible, especially with people from Arab nations, and get the water and electricity working ASAP.
I think it was the other day when a talking head again compared this struggle to World War II or the Cold War, saying that this may last as long as the Cold War--45 years. I had to ask myself whether I believed that to be true. I also asked myself how many of my fellow citizens believe that as well. Do the people of this country see this as a life and death struggle, that if we do not win we will all have to convert to Islam or die? I am not sure that this case was ever seriously made to the American people. If this is such an important fight, shouldn't we be asked to sacrifice for the cause? Shouldn't the people of this country be willing, and asked, to sacrifice time and money for the cause? Especially those with the most to give? Instead we get tax cuts for the rich, advice to go shopping to help the economy, and so on. My father, who was a 12 years old when WWII ended, has talked many times about the sacrifices that were made then. Rationing of tires, coffee, sugar, and many other things we take for granted now a days. This is another reason I don't take this seriously. If this was such a life and death struggle they wouldn't be afraid of taking away comforts. Instead, they worry that if things go too bad, they might not get reelected. They are not worried about winning the war; they are worried about holding onto their jobs!
So to try and sum up: When confronted with their lies, they change the subject. When challenged with the facts they, call people traitors. So what does that tell you us? It tells me that if the American people knew the truth they would not be happy and that if the people did this (mis)administration would be lucky to get off only with impeachment.
Duh. Bremer: Iraq Effort to Cost Tens of Billions.
Duh, again. Halliburton's Deals Greater Than Thought.
I'm surprised someone finally said it! Lott -- "cut domestic programs to fund Iraq".
The latest on the WMD's. U.S. Suspects It Received False Iraq Arms Tips.