Silence is Consent

If you don't speak up you accept what is happening. This site was born out of the mainstream media's inability to cover the news. I am just an American cititzen trying to spread the word in the era of FCC consolidation, post 9/11 Patriot Act hysteria, hackable voting machines and war without end. I rant and post news items I perceive to be relevant to our current situation.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
- Thomas Jefferson

Social Security is not broken and therefore does not need to be fixed

So Called Social Security Crisis (SCSSC)

Comments, questions, corrections, rebuttals are always welcome.

Friday, October 10, 2003
In the last few days Turkey has decided to send 10,000 troops into Iraq to help us out. There are a few interesting aspects to this story. One is that the Turkish government agreed to this even though the majority of their people are opposed to this. Another is that the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) is opposed to this. It must be said that the IGC is not just opposed to Turkish troops but to troops from any neighboring nation. Anyone that is familiar with Iraqi history knows that the Kurds and Turks have been fighting with each other for years. The Kurds reside in northern Iraq on the Turkish border. So where do you think Turkey wants their troops to be stationed? In the north. Where do you thing the US want the Turkish stationed? West of Baghdad. So not only are we having problems with Turkey over where to station them our own puppet regime doesn't even want to go along. This just goes to show how ignorant our leadership is to the long standing rivalries in that area. So the question is why let Turkey send in troops? I have no idea but I sure hope it doesn't cause a war between the Kurds and Turks in northern Iraq.

In this editorial, The Mission, William Rivers Pitt shows how we have gotten to where we are. How we were transformed from the New Deal and Great Society to trickle down economics, Pax Americana and never ending war.

Some deep reading for the weekend if your game. Get familiar with how we, our government, are poisoning our soldiers. This article tells of depleted uranium and asks the question, Is The Pentagon Giving Our Soldiers Cancer?



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