Silence is Consent
If you don't speak up you accept what is happening. This site was born out of the mainstream media's inability to cover the news. I am just an American cititzen trying to spread the word in the era of FCC consolidation, post 9/11 Patriot Act hysteria, hackable voting machines and war without end. I rant and post news items I perceive to be relevant to our current situation.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
- Thomas Jefferson
Social Security is not broken and therefore does not need to be fixed
So Called Social Security Crisis (SCSSC)
Comments, questions, corrections, rebuttals are always welcome.
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
So where do we go from here? How do we change this current situation? Can it be changed? I think the only way is that each and everyone of us needs to know what we would like our country to be. Do you still believe in polls? Do you still get your information from major media? I still do to a certain extent, Washington Post, New York Times, etc... Look at the this blog, a decent amount of articles come from major media. I try to stay away but it can be hard. I still want to watch Hardball every night. Although, the way that he @#$%&* off Schwarzenegger last week was the last straw. Have you watched a debate yet? I've seen parts if not most of each one but there is not much substance there. Each person gets a minute or two here or there and they never get into a flow. It appears to me that most of the candidates are saying virtually the same thing. Except for Dean and Clark who are the frontrunners at this point and are just fending off attacks from the rest. I know this is a rambling post but what I am doing is trying to find out who out of these nine can change the current state of our union.
A fundamental issue is how we spend our money. As this article states, War on the Poor:
A budget is a moral document. It clearly demonstrates the priorities of a family, an organization, a government. A budget shows what we most care about. President Bush sent his budget to Congress in February—a budget that he said reflected his most important priorities—so it is worth paying close attention to.So what does this article show other than how much we like toys. It tells of how we spend more on defense in this country then we do on anything else. Were you aware of that? Are most Americans? Do you really believe all that spending on defense makes us safer? We will always need a newer better weapon to keep us safe from our current enemy. Is any candidate in this race talking about lowering defense spending? Health care, everyone of them has a plan, what are they? The Bush tax cuts, what are they going to do with those? Iraq. Were they for it and what are they going to do with it? Just some things to think about when looking over the candidates. There are many other issues. Find the ones that are important to you and see where the candidates stand on the issues. Then fight for the one you think is the best.