Silence is Consent

If you don't speak up you accept what is happening. This site was born out of the mainstream media's inability to cover the news. I am just an American cititzen trying to spread the word in the era of FCC consolidation, post 9/11 Patriot Act hysteria, hackable voting machines and war without end. I rant and post news items I perceive to be relevant to our current situation.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
- Thomas Jefferson

Social Security is not broken and therefore does not need to be fixed

So Called Social Security Crisis (SCSSC)

Comments, questions, corrections, rebuttals are always welcome.

Friday, March 12, 2004
Didn't somebody call these people "crooked liars" recently?
Bush administration ordered Medicare plan cost estimates withheld
The government's top expert on Medicare costs was warned that he would be fired if he told key lawmakers about a series of Bush administration cost estimates that could have torpedoed congressional passage of the White House-backed Medicare prescription-drug plan.

Anyone still naive enough to believe Bush actually gave them a tax cut? If so check this out.
The Bush Tax
Rather than take responsibility for our common future, Bush has shifted costs to states and communities, who then pass them on to you. Across the country, people are seeing their property taxes skyrocket. State college tuition at 4-year schools has increased this year by an average of $579 nationwide. Half a million children have been deprived of health coverage. States and local government have cut vital services, and we’re all having to pay more for less. That’s the Bush Tax.

This goes to the point I have mentioned here before. I was taught growing up that there is no such thing as a tax cut, there are only tax shifts. One way or another the government will get its money. Bush and the Republican Congress have passed a series of tax shifts. The tax burden was shifted from the haves (Bush and his friends in the top 1%) to the havenots (you & me). Once again I welcome you to George Bush's America!



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